Month: April 2019

Things you must include in your contract with an architect

Building a new house or a commercial building can be a very long and tedious process. It often takes a long time to make and requires a great amount of team effort to get it done. One of the most vital cogs in the whole work machine is an architect that gets it all together. This major person is present to plan, design and review the construction of the whole building that is going to be built by house builders toowoomba.

When you hire an architect, you sign a contract with them that has all the terms and conditions which are valid till the time both of you work together. There are a number of different things that go into a contract but do keep the following few:

Statement of Work

The statement of work actually is scope of work which is very much needed to know what the architect will be working on and what they have to complete in the total process. Having a good scope of work is very important because it can help you in the bidding process and then later in the construction time as well. Moreover, if you have it properly defined, then you can even have a check on the number of hours the team puts in and an overview of the cost as well.

Drawings of the Building


The contract that you have with the architect should have a complete set of drawings that become part of the task that needs to be performed. The drawings which are included in the contract should be the ones which are absolutely recent and should be present with the contractor before the commencement of the project. These drawings should have all of those which are from consultants as well as they make up the entire project.

Proper Construction Schedule

The schedule of construction of any project is very important because that is what people follow when they are actually working. The office which is handling the contract will actually be following this schedule and decide when it is completed and how to complete it. Sometimes, it is required to update the schedules as well depending on the changes that take place in the construction process. This also affects the costs as well.

General Conditions

The contract document needs to hold general conditions which include obligations which are related to the execution of the project along with the rights that every stakeholder in the project has right from the labor to the owner of the land. Other pointers that need to be included in the contract include the overhead costs, the claims along with your entitlements.

Contracts are tricky and very complex at the same time. Therefore, it is highly important to have a clear cut idea of what goes in the contract and what doesn’t. Good luck with your construction!